Sunday, January 13, 2008

The Most Wrong I Have Ever Seen In One Place

This absolutely sickens me. It is perhaps the worst of all crimes to brainwash children like this. I ask you, what is the source of your truth? Prove to me that this isn't wrong, and that this is what God wants, give me proof. The bible says nothing about this, so don't try to present it. This is radicalism. Its not all that different from radical Islam. Its baseless and inhuman.

Recent events force me to show my hand. The last thing I wanted to do was accuse a whole religion of being wrong, but that said religion has no right to condemn people. I have only ever been this enraged twice before. The first time I pulled a kids shirt up over his face and decked him, the second time I terrified most of my classmates into stunned silence.

My conclusion: these people and those like them (ahem) need to realize the horrible impacts they are having on the world. Especially since they claim gays and atheists are the problem. From my view these people are a higher threat to society than the other 2 groups put together.


Thoughtful in Selah said...

I can't believe that you would post something like that. This post absolutely sickens ME! If you want proof than you need to watch the video yourself! That's your proof. Speaking in a language that only God can understand is purely spiritual. This isn't brain washing by any means.

And your wrong - the Bible clearly talk about this in Acts chapter 2. I would tell you to go look it up but I'm sure for you to read the Bible is completely out of the question. So I'll be generous and type it up for you...

"All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit enabled them." Acts 2:4
"these men are not drunk, as you suppose. It's only nine in the morning! No, this is what was spoken by the prophet Joel: Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your young men will see visions, your old men will dream dreams..." Acts 2:15-16
"After they prayed, the place where they were meeting was shaken. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and spoke the word of God boldly." Acts 4:31

How can my faith be incorrect for our beliefs when we have personally experienced supernatural abilities granted by the Holy Spirit? What have you experienced? Seeing is believing and experience is proof. I have been filled with the Holy Spirit many times before. I know the awesome power of my Savior and it is a shame that not everybody can experience it all the same.

I'm praying that God would take hold of your life and soften your heart. I pray that God would do a miracle in your life and shake the very basis of your beliefs. I pray that you would see the light and truth and give up the things holding you down and let God take them up. I pray this in the name of Jesus Christ. AMEN.


Thoughtful in Selah said...

Tyler - I want both you and Storm to hear this. I received a comment from kkll9902008 and I emailed them back the following message.

"I believe that you left a comment on my blog regarding a comment I left on Master Phantom's page (the one on this post). I agree with everything you say but I must point out that I feel that you have read in between the lines. When I used the phrase, "that it is YOU whose life will not be saved and will be cast into the flames of hell" I was more exagerating for dramatic effect more on the basis because I was really ticked off. I realize I shouldn't have. But hear me that I'm not trying to condemn anyone and I'm sorry that the tone came off as that. I'm stating the truth from my belief. If you are not born again, then where else are you going to go? Surely one who is not born again will not be allowed into heaven. The Bible itself says that.

I feel bad that I said that and I wish I could edit the comment but I cannot. After this, I realized that this is a battle where I cannot speak for myself but I need God to guide and direct my words.

Please hear me that I did not condemn anyone but share with them the truth. And after reading your testimony I'm sure you could understand that. I agree that persecution is wrong and by no means am I taking part in it. I post things on my blog and I get yelled at for living my life in God. I believe that that is persecution. So should I sit here and take it? Does God want me to just put up with it or should I defend my faith and try and spread the truth?"


benrr101_doesnotexist said...

So, let's see... I can't actually view the video since I haven't put Adobe Flash on my linux machine yet, but I can tell that it must have something to do with speaking in tounges.
I personally believe that the gift of tongues is one of the gifts of the Holy Spirit. However, I do not believe that people mindlessly babbeling is speaking in tounges. For evidence, I'd like to quote scripture Acts 2:5-6
"Now there were devout Jews from every nation under heaven staying in Jerusalem. At the sound, they gathered in a large crowd, but they were confused because each one heard them [the apostles] speaking in his own language."
My evidence is that we are unable to understand these tongue speakers. If it truly the gift of tongues, we would be able to understand them. And yet, we cannot. Therefore, I believe that people mindlessly saying random sounds is not the gift of tongues.

Thoughtful in Selah said...

to benrr101~

I agree somewhat with you. My focus goes to the end of 2:6 which says "speaking in his own language" meaning that no one could understand what another was saying nor could the understand it themselves. Remember that Prayer Language is not even possible to understand to the person who is speaking it. That's why tongues needs to be translated by the Holy Spirit so that everyone else can pray in agreement. This happens almost every Sunday at my church. Usually someone in the congregation will give a message and one of the pastors will give the translation through the Spirit.

I agree that the one girl that was speaking didn't sound like tongues but if you're in a worship service and you're talking like that, I'm pretty sure it's tongues.


Ranting Heathen said...

Well, eh. The whole tongues thing isn't my area. To me it's all placebo and repetition, but that's besides the point.

This post is definitely not about speaking in tongues. The post is about how awful the teachings are here. I believe the author wanted to point out the forced indoctrination, the teaching that God will destroy you if you don't beg for mercy, the teaching that the word of man is a lie, and the teaching that the earth's resources are our play thing, and we should give no thought to the future generation.

Tongues has little to do with this matter, if you wish to debate on that, then make another post on it, and I'm certain some of us will gladly offer our opinion.

sunflower_seed said...

right on.